The Best Customer Review Software Options in 2024

Customer review software helps businesses gather and manage online reviews to build trust and grow.

Customer reviews play a crucial role in shaping a business’s online reputation. This article covers the top choices for 2024, highlighting their features, benefits, and costs.

Key Takeaways

  • Customer review software helps businesses get more online reviews and manage them.

  • This software transforms raw customer reviews into actionable business insights, enhancing brand credibility and performance in the competitive market.

  • Key features of the best customer review software include multichannel support, real-time notifications, customizable dashboards, and automated review requests, all aimed at improving customer engagement and satisfaction.

  • Top customer review software options in 2024 include ReputationStacker, Podium, and BirdEye, each offering unique features tailored to streamline review management and enhance business online reputation.

Understanding Customer Review Software

Tools to get customer reviews

Customer review software isn’t merely a tool; it’s a transformative force that collects customer opinions and converts them into a currency of trust and business insights.

Gone are the days when businesses were left in the dark about their customers’ sentiments. Today’s review management software shines a spotlight on every word of praise or concern, enabling brands to:

  • Respond with agility and precision

  • Collect reviews strategically

  • Foster stronger customer relationships

  • Drive growth

It’s not just about collecting customer reviews; it’s about managing them strategically to foster stronger customer relationships and drive growth.

Automation plays a pivotal role in this digital ecosystem. Imagine software that reaches out post-transaction via emails and SMS, inviting customers to share their experiences, thereby not just gauging satisfaction but actively generating more reviews. Moreover, by pinpointing areas ripe for improvement, this intelligent software ensures businesses are always evolving to meet customer expectations.

The landscape of review management is continuously evolving, with a clear trend towards more integrated, insightful, and user-friendly approaches. The best review management software provides a snapshot of customer sentiment and identifies trends, ensuring that businesses can maintain a pulse on customer satisfaction over time.

Why Your Business Needs Customer Review Software

Illustration of a business gaining visibility and trust through customer review software

In the digital age, your business’s online reputation is as significant as the quality of your products or services. Online reputation management software, such as customer review software, is the architect of your digital reputation, forging a presence that increases not just visibility but also the magnetic pull towards your brand through online reviews.

Maintaining a positive brand reputation is crucial in the digital age, and customer review software plays a pivotal role in achieving this.

Search engines favor businesses with a healthy volume of reviews, particularly positive customer reviews. It’s a simple equation: more reviews equal better visibility, and better visibility equals an expanded audience reach. By enabling businesses to get more Google reviews and manage them efficiently, customer review software builds a foundation of trust with potential customers.

These platforms are goldmines of genuine, unfiltered customer opinions, guiding prospective customers through the decision-making process. Embracing reviews as social proof isn’t just savvy marketing; it’s a testament to a business’s commitment to excellence.

But it’s not just about collecting glowing testimonials; positive reviews have tangible benefits for the bottom line. They can:

  • sway purchasing decisions

  • increase customer spending

  • drive more sales

  • ultimately contribute to revenue growth

In essence, positive reviews are not just a nice-to-have; they’re an essential component of a thriving business. On the other hand, negative reviews can hinder growth and success.

Key Features of Effective Review Management Software

Review software features

As businesses navigate the sea of customer opinions, the compass guiding them to success is a review management system equipped with the right features to enhance the customer experience. One such indispensable feature is multichannel support, enabling brands to harness feedback from a variety of review sites into a unified strategy.

Seamless integration with email campaigns and social media platforms ensures businesses can cast a wide net in their review collection efforts. This feature is like a central command center from where a business can:

  • Monitor feedback from various review sites

  • Respond to customer reviews

  • Refine its review management strategy

  • Turn disparate feedback into actionable insights

Real-time notifications alert businesses to new reviews, allowing them to respond with the speed that customers appreciate. Meanwhile, customizable dashboards and reporting tools helps businesses to visualize feedback trends and navigate towards customer satisfaction.

Effective review management software ensures accurate feedback collection and analysis. These features empower businesses to monitor customer satisfaction and strengthen their position in the market, setting them apart as the top review management software option from other review management software choices.

Automated review requests are often the top selling point of review management software, ensuring that the flow of feedback never ceases.

Best Customer Review Software Options in 2024

Illustration of three customer review software options in 2024

As we venture deeper into 2024, the big players in the customer review software game continue to stand out. ReputationStacker, Podium, and BirdEye are at the forefront, each offering a suite of features tailored to streamline review management and enhance customer engagement.


ReputationStacker is the best customer review software for businesses specifically focused on increasing their online reviews. With its automated email and SMS campaigns, it’s like having a personal assistant dedicated to:

  • Encouraging customer reviews on various review sites

  • Responding to reviews

  • Managing negative feedback

  • Spreading positive customer experiences across social media and their websites

  • Using advanced reporting to analyze reviews and provide business insights

By analyzing the feedback, ReputationStacker provides valuable customer insights that can drive business improvements.

Its intuitive dashboard allows businesses to easily manage all of these tasks.

It’s no wonder that users typically see a threefold increase in their review count within just three months of using ReputationStacker.


Podium is a premium software for businesses looking to bolster their review collection efforts. Its review platform simplifies the daunting task of managing reviews by pulling them into a single, accessible dashboard.

Podium also offers a full suite of other features not related to customer reviews, which explains their premium price point.

These additional features include:

  • Webchat

  • Payment solutions

  • Multichannel inbox, and more.


BirdEye started a few years ago as a review management platform, offering businesses a comprehensive panorama of their online reputation. By collecting and organizing reviews from multiple sites, BirdEye provides a holistic perspective that is as insightful as it is actionable.

Much like Podium, BirdEye has added additional features over the years in order to justify their premium pricetag.

How to Choose the Right Customer Review Software

How to choose the best review software for your business

Choosing the right customer review software begins with understanding your business’s unique needs and assessing each software’s ability to manage customer feedback effectively.

Integration is the bridge that connects your review management efforts to the rest of your business operations. The right software will seamlessly integrate with your existing CRM and top review platforms, creating a unified hub for all customer interactions. Real-time notifications aren’t just a feature; they’re a lifeline that ensures your customer service team can respond to feedback the moment it arrives.

Security and privacy features stand as the guardians of your customers’ trust, protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

Lastly, your budget will play a significant role in your final decision.

Customer Review Software Price

How much does review software cost?

The pricing of customer review software is as varied as the businesses it serves.

Options like BirdEye and Podium come with a heftier price tag but offer many more features than focused customer feedback management.

Podium’s entry point at $399 per month positions it as a premium option.

BirdEye plans start at $299 a month and increase from there depending on the additional features you want to add.

ReputationStacker offers the best review software for businesses focused specifically on reviews, with plans ranging from $69 to $99 a month. This software delivers a full suite of tools focused on review generation, management, and analysis, presenting a tailored solution for businesses intent on harnessing the power of their customer feedback.

Best Practices for Managing Customer Reviews

How to manage online customer reviews

Navigating the world of customer reviews requires not just the right tools but also the right approach.

The cornerstone of managing customer reviews is a simple yet powerful action: ask for them.

Automated review requests made possible by customer review software ensure your business never misses an opportunity to gather valuable feedback. Developing a robust customer review strategy is essential for effectively managing and leveraging customer feedback.

Monitoring review platforms through the lens of your review management software offers several benefits:

  • It gives you an overview of customer sentiment, ensuring you’re always in the know.

  • It allows you to promptly respond to reviews, both positive and negative reviews.

  • It demonstrates that you value your customers and their experiences.

Positive feedback is a goldmine for your marketing efforts. By showcasing positive reviews as testimonials, you create social proof that can attract new customers and enhance your credibility. Some review management software, like ReputationStacker, BirdEye, and Podium, even offer widgets that allow you to display these reviews on your website and social media, amplifying their impact.

Displaying Customer Reviews on Your Website

Display customer reviews on your website

Your business website is your digital storefront, and just like any physical retail store, the opinions of those who have walked through your doors (or clicked through your pages) matter immensely.

Customer reviews displayed on your website can build trust and authenticity for visitors, acting as a powerful endorsement of your products or services. Displaying customer reviews on your website can significantly enhance customer trust and credibility.

Customer review widgets, a feature included in some review management software, allow you to elegantly integrate reviews into your website’s design. These widgets can be customized to match your brand’s aesthetic and are crafted to display a curated selection of reviews that best represent your business.

The impact of these widgets goes beyond mere aesthetics. They serve as beacons of transparency, inviting website visitors to read real experiences from your customers. This openness not only builds trust but also significantly enhances online visibility and credibility.

Analyzing Customer Reviews for Business Insights

Analyze online review data

Beyond the glow of five-star ratings lies a treasure trove of insights waiting to be uncovered through the analysis of customer reviews on customer review sites.

These platforms are not just megaphones for customer voices but also microscopes that reveal the intricate details of customer experiences.

A strong review management system is equipped with the tools to dissect and understand these experiences. By categorizing feedback and applying sentiment analysis, businesses can identify recurring themes and areas for improvement. The depth of analysis can uncover the root causes behind customer sentiment, guiding businesses to make informed decisions that enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.

A robust review management system is equipped with the tools for comprehensive customer feedback analysis, providing businesses with actionable insights. Some features of a strong review management system include:

  • Categorizing feedback

  • Sentiment analysis

  • Informed decision-making

Drawing actionable insights from customer reviews is a strategic advantage. It’s about turning the raw data of customer opinions into polished strategies that refine products, services, and customer interactions.


Use customer review software to grow your business

As the digital world spins ever faster, customer review software remains a lighthouse for businesses navigating the vast ocean of online opinions.

From understanding what this software is to mastering customer review management, this guide has illuminated the path to leveraging customer feedback for business growth.

Embrace these insights, and let the voices of your customers propel your brand to new horizons.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main purpose of customer review software?

The main purpose of customer review software is to collect and manage online reviews, providing businesses with valuable insights to improve their services and products, while also enhancing their online reputation and customer satisfaction.

How does customer review software improve a business’s online visibility?

Customer review software improves a business’s online visibility by boosting the volume and visibility of positive reviews, leading to better local search rankings on platforms like Google and ultimately attracting more potential customers.

Can customer review software integrate with other business systems?

Yes, customer review software can integrate with other business systems, such as CRM software and social media platforms, to create a unified approach to managing customer feedback and reviews. This can enhance the overall customer experience.

How much does customer review software cost?

The price of customer review software varies based on the required features and scalability, with prices ranging from under $69/month to several hundred dollars per month for a comprehensive suite of tools for business management.

How do businesses benefit from analyzing customer reviews?

Businesses benefit from analyzing customer reviews by gaining actionable insights into customer preferences and experiences, identifying areas of improvement, and making data-driven decisions to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction, ultimately increasing revenue.


Ian Kirby has been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. Having worked both with and for digital marketing agencies and in-house with multiple companies, he has a specific interest and expertise in online reputation management, online reviews, and the implementation of business systems. Ian’s writing, videos, and interviews have garnered millions of reads, views, and listens.


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The average ReputationStacker user triples their review count in the first 3 months.