How to Get Patients to Leave Reviews: 10 Proven Strategies

If you’re in the healthcare industry, you know how crucial patient reviews are for your practice’s reputation and growth.

Yet, many struggle with how to get patients to leave reviews.

This article cuts straight to proven tactics and ethical strategies that will guide you to obtain valuable patient feedback without adding pressure or inconvenience to their experience.

Expect to gain insights on personalizing review requests, optimizing timing, and leveraging the right communication channels to increase patient engagement with your review process.

Key Takeaways

  • Online reviews have a significant influence on patient decision-making for healthcare providers, with 77% of patients using reviews to choose a doctor and 90% considering them for evaluating physicians.

  • A patient-centric approach to soliciting online reviews, including personalizing requests, showcasing empathy, and choosing the right timing, can result in more genuine and valuable feedback.

  • Utilizing multiple channels for review requests, such as in-person conversations, email campaigns, and text messaging, coupled with technology like reputation management software, can streamline the process and improve both quantity and quality of patient reviews.

  • Healthcare marketing strategies often include getting patient reviews to enhance a practice’s reputation.

The Power of Online Reviews for Healthcare Providers

How doctors get patients to write reviews: Illustration of a doctor reading online reviews on a tablet

Online reviews have become the cornerstone of patient decision-making for patients seeking healthcare providers.

Statistics reveal that 77% of patients begin their search for a new doctor by perusing online reviews, while a whopping 90% use these reviews to evaluate physicians on online review sites. This underlines the potent influence that positive online reviews can have in attracting prospective patients, demonstrating that online reviews matter.

In the digital age, online reputation is everything. An impressive 80% of consumers regard online reviews as trustworthy as personal recommendations. Moreover, doctors that deliver a high-quality customer experience can see consistently higher profit margins.

Clearly, soliciting a positive online review is not just beneficial but crucial for gaining new patients and enhancing a practice’s reputation.

Crafting a Patient-Centric Approach to Reviews

Illustration of a doctor and a patient having a conversation

Crafting a patient-centric approach to collecting reviews is just as essential as the reviews themselves. A nuanced understanding of the patient’s experience serves as the foundation for meaningful feedback.

Let’s take a look at how to personalize review requests and choose the perfect timing for review solicitation.

Personalizing review requests can significantly enhance the patient experience, making the patient feel valued and understood.

1. Personalize Your Review Requests

To ask patients for reviews effectively, it’s important to personalize the request, which can lead to more genuine and valuable feedback. Here are some tips for personalizing your request:

  • Address patients by their names

  • Reference specific aspects of their visit or treatment

  • Validate the patient’s unique experiences

  • Encourage specific feedback about their experience, care quality, and the overall service provided by the healthcare facility

This personalized approach will make a world of difference in the quality and quantity of reviews you receive.

This personalized approach to review requests is more than just a polite gesture; it’s a reflection of the healthcare provider’s commitment to patient care.

By recognizing and addressing the unique needs and experiences of each patient, healthcare providers can obtain a more accurate and insightful understanding of their patient’s journey.

Understanding patient needs is crucial in tailoring review requests that resonate on a personal level, further enhancing the effectiveness of the feedback process.

2. Be Empathetic and Genuine

Along with personalization, empathy and genuineness are critical. Patients are more likely to leave kind and honest reviews when they perceive a genuine sense of empathy from the provider. In fact, expressing genuine interest in a patient’s experience can lead to more insightful feedback.

To achieve this, healthcare providers should strive to communicate in a manner that reflects understanding of the patient’s situation and feelings. Asking about specific details of the patient’s visit can show an authentic approach, rather than using generic requests for feedback.

When patients feel valued, they are more likely to provide meaningful feedback. Demonstrating empathy effectively contributes to building trust with patients, fostering a positive and supportive healthcare environment.

3. Timing is Key

Timing is everything when it comes to soliciting patient reviews.

The optimal time to ask for patient reviews is immediately following their appointment, when the experience is still fresh in their minds. This immediate request can lead to more honest and detailed feedback.

Additionally, when a healthcare provider receives patient praise or positive feedback, it presents an optimal opportunity to ask for a review. It’s crucial to strike while the iron is hot.

Asking for patient reviews at the right time can significantly improve engagement and elicit a positive response. Understanding the right timing enhances patient engagement, making them more likely to participate in the review process actively.

Utilizing Multiple Channels for Review Requests

Illustration of multiple communication channels like email, in-person conversations, and text messages

In today’s digital era, there are multiple channels that healthcare providers can leverage to solicit and collect patient reviews.

Let’s explore how in-person conversations, email campaigns, and text messages can be effectively utilized for review collection.

Employing diverse communication strategies can enhance the effectiveness of requesting patient reviews across these channels.

1. In-person Conversations

In-person conversations provide a golden opportunity for healthcare providers to request reviews. It’s best to ask for feedback within a day or two of the patient visit, coupled with a conversation about their overall satisfaction and care received.

Providing a direct link to the review platform and letting patients know their feedback is valued not only makes the review process more accessible but also shows appreciation.

Thanking patients for their trust signifies how much their feedback and patronage are valued, encouraging them to express their experiences and thoughts in a review.

Effective patient-provider interactions significantly impact the likelihood of patients leaving reviews, as positive experiences can motivate them to share their experiences.

2. Email Campaigns

Email campaigns offer another effective method to solicit patient reviews. Personalizing these emails by addressing the patient by name, expressing gratitude, and inquiring about their experience can encourage them to leave a review. To make the process seamless, emails should include a direct link to the review page or a third-party review site.

Even if patients are not expected back at the practice soon, sending an email with a review invitation link provides a continuous opportunity for feedback collection.

Implementing a follow-up strategy in your email campaigns can significantly enhance the likelihood of receiving patient reviews, reinforcing the importance of continuous engagement.

3. Text Messaging

Text messaging is yet another powerful channel for review requests.

Sending a text message immediately after a patient’s appointment has proven to be the most effective timing for such communication. Platforms such as ReputationStacker allow for automated sending of review invites via text messaging, simplifying the process.

The immediacy of text messaging can significantly increase the likelihood of patients leaving a review. By leveraging platforms like ReputationStacker, healthcare providers can automate review requests, making the process efficient and hassle-free.

This method aligns well with patient communication preferences, enhancing the chances of receiving timely and positive reviews.

Turning Negative Feedback into Positive Outcomes

Turn negative reviews into positive outcomes

Negative feedback, while initially disheartening, can be transformed into opportunities for improvement.

Here are some strategies for responding to negative reviews professionally and promptly, while avoiding defensive reactions:

  1. Respond to the review in a timely manner, acknowledging the patient’s concerns.

  2. Apologize for any negative experience the patient may have had.

  3. Show empathy and understanding towards the patient’s feelings.

  4. Offer a solution or resolution to the issue raised in the review.

  5. Provide contact information for further discussion or to address any additional concerns privately.

By following these strategies, you can preserve your professional integrity and display a commitment to improvement.

Analyzing patient feedback systematically can illuminate areas needing improvement, turning negative reviews into valuable insights for enhancing patient experience.

Expressing gratitude for feedback and a willingness to resolve issues helps rebuild patient trust and reinforces the perception of the healthcare provider’s professionalism and reliability.

Negative feedback also presents an opportunity for ‘service recovery’, allowing healthcare providers to rectify issues, demonstrate their commitment to patient satisfaction, and improve their services based on constructive criticism.

Encouraging Staff Involvement in Review Collection

Staff members can ask patients for reviews

Staff involvement is a critical factor in the patient review collection process.

Empowering nursing and support staff by involving them in decision-making processes related to patient care and workplace practices can increase their motivation and active participation in review collection efforts.

Making the request for online reviews a standardized part of the office’s daily routine ensures that staff members consistently engage with patients regarding feedback.

Providing staff with a straightforward and memorized script for asking patients for reviews allows them to do so with confidence and without appearing pushy, enhancing the likelihood of positive review collection.

Incorporating ‘team engagement’ strategies that foster a sense of unity and purpose among staff can further improve the review collection process, as engaged teams are more likely to collaborate effectively and take initiative in securing patient reviews.

Streamlining the Review Process with Technology

Illustration of a healthcare provider using reputation management software on a computer

Streamlining the review process with technology can make it more efficient and effective.

Reputation management software like ReputationStacker enables doctors to request more reviews efficiently, manage all reviews in one place, and improve the patient satisfaction.

North Texas Medical Center, for example, increased its Google rating from 2.6 to 4.6 by automating patient review requests using tailored emails and text messages.

Such tools provide an all-in-one reputation management solution, enabling clinics to get more positive reviews without asking patients directly and facilitating the process through modern messaging like sending text review links.

Additionally, reputation management software significantly increases efficiency in collecting patient reviews, streamlining the entire feedback loop.

Proactively Addressing Patient Concerns

A healthcare provider listens to patient feedback

Addressing patient concerns proactively is paramount to creating a positive patient experience.

Open communication, active listening, and empathy – especially from the doctor themself – can mitigate patient concerns and foster a safer environment for feedback expression.

Creating a positive work environment and promoting regular meetings and open channels of communication between staff contributes to a culture of open communication which facilitates more effective patient-centered interactions.

Doctors should focus on:

  • Active listening

  • Showing compassion

  • Empowering their patients by being attentive to unique characteristics such as comfort levels and communication barriers.

Emphasizing patient care quality is essential in proactively addressing patient concerns, ensuring that every patient feels heard, valued, and cared for.

Showcasing Reviews to Attract New Patients

Illustration of a website with patient reviews and star ratings

Showcasing patient reviews can significantly attract new patients to a medical practice.

A dedicated review page on the website, prominently visible and easy to access, can effectively request patient reviews on their websites.

Consistently getting new patient reviews can improve a medical practice’s internet visibility and credibility, as well as increase patient loyalty.

Encouraging satisfied patients to leave reviews can aid in marketing and improve search engine rankings. As a matter of fact, 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, reaffirming the potential of reviews in attracting prospective patients.

Showcasing reviews prominently can also contribute significantly to practice growth by enhancing the practice’s reputation and attracting more patients.

Monitoring and Responding to Reviews

Respond to every online review

Monitoring and responding to reviews are as crucial as collecting them. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Regularly monitor major review sites to stay aware of new reviews.

  2. Decide on appropriate responses to each review.

  3. Provide professional and timely responses.

  4. Consider patient privacy due to HIPAA compliance when responding.

Reputation management tools like ReputationStacker can help aggregate reviews from different platforms, making it easier to respond promptly.

Responding to reviews requires a careful approach to avoid disclosing any identifiable patient information.

When a doctor or practice manager engages with their patients through online reviews, it shows that their feedback is valued and demonstrates a commitment to improving care. Monitoring and responding to reviews effectively plays a pivotal role in maintaining a positive online presence.


In conclusion, learning how to get patients to leave reviews requires a multifaceted approach, including crafting a patient-centric approach, utilizing multiple channels for review requests, turning negative feedback into positive outcomes, encouraging staff involvement, streamlining the review process with technology, proactively addressing patient concerns, showcasing reviews to attract new patients, and monitoring and responding to reviews.

With these strategies, doctors can leverage the power of patient feedback to enhance their online reputation, attract new patients, and improve their services.

Using automated review and reputation management software like ReputationStacker makes getting more patient reviews and managing the entire patient experience easy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to ask patients for reviews?

The best time to ask patients for reviews is immediately after their appointment when the experience is fresh, or when they provide positive feedback about their care. This immediate feedback approach allows you to capture their satisfaction while it’s top of mind, emphasizing the benefits of real-time responses.

How can negative feedback be turned into positive outcomes?

By responding professionally and avoiding defensive reactions, negative feedback can be turned into opportunities for improvement. Providing empathetic and personalized responses, along with options for private discussion, can defuse potential confrontations and show genuine care.

Additionally, leveraging negative feedback as a tool can significantly enhance customer service in healthcare by identifying areas needing attention and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

How can technology streamline the patient review process?

Technology can streamline the review process by using reputation management software like ReputationStacker, which allows doctors to request and manage reviews in one place.

Automation of review requests can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the review process, making it easier for healthcare providers to maintain and improve their online reputation.

How can healthcare providers proactively address patient concerns?

Healthcare providers can proactively address patient concerns by fostering open communication, active listening, and empathy among their staff, promoting a positive work environment and facilitating regular meetings for effective patient-centered interactions. This will help to address and alleviate patient concerns. Proactive communication is key to enhancing patient satisfaction, ensuring their needs and concerns are met with understanding and efficiency.

How can showcasing reviews attract new patients?

Showcasing patient reviews through a dedicated review page on your website can significantly attract new patients by improving your practice’s credibility and visibility. Consistently receiving new reviews can also enhance patient loyalty and trust in your practice. Incorporating patient reviews is a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies for doctors, directly influencing their ability to attract and retain patients.


Ian Kirby has been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. Having worked both with and for digital marketing agencies and in-house with multiple companies, he has a specific interest and expertise in online reputation management, online reviews, and the implementation of business systems. Ian’s writing, videos, and interviews have garnered millions of reads, views, and listens.


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The average ReputationStacker user triples their review count in the first 3 months.