Oh, if it only it had been this easy to manage your reputation in high school. It may have been impossible to shake an embarrassing nickname or win the acceptance of the cool kids back then, but today you have the power to shape your own narrative – at least when it comes to your business reputation.

In today’s tech-focused world, people trust what they read online. There are certainly plenty of downsides to that, but it’s good news for you.

All you have to do is get people talking about all the great things about your business, and customers will come running.

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Your grandfather’s farm didn’t need online reviews to succeed, but your farm-to-table restaurant certainly can’t survive without them.

It’s the rare business that can thrive in today’s marketplace on old fashioned word-of-mouth alone.

Today’s consumers expect to be able to read reviews about a business before using it for the first time, simply because they’re in the habit of doing just that.

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While you may not always like what your customers say (or how they say it), the feedback they provide about your business is priceless.

You’re the expert on running your business, but your customers are experts on using your business. They can tell you what’s working and help you figure out how to improve the things that aren’t.

All you have to do is follow this simple process to collect their feedback, and then know what to do with it (and we’ll of course tell you how).

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Unless you’re Jean-Georges himself, you probably could more customers coming in the doors.

The restaurant business is one of the most competitive industries there is, and if you own or manage a restaurant, you already know that.

While slashing your prices or revamping your menu might attract new customers, it may also tank your business altogether.

There’s a better way of improving your bottom line, one that doesn’t require you to change a single thing about how you cook and serve your food.

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Money can buy a lot of things, but it can’t buy you a good reputation… at least, not on Yelp’s watch.

That may seem like a shame at first glance. After all, wouldn’t things be simpler if you could just pay for some positive reviews to appear on your company’s Yelp page or even give your regular customers discounts or free stuff in exchange for writing reviews? Those posts would get new people to come in, and they would be so impressed by your service that they would go home and write their own real reviews, right?

Not so fast, cowboy – it doesn’t work that way.

Because while it’s possible that paying for a few Yelp reviews could go undiscovered, and the resulting reviews could help you improve business, it’s much more likely that this strategy will cause huge and lasting damage to your reputation.

Lucky for you there’s a better way.

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Maybe they just got some bad news.

Maybe they spilled their coffee and hit all red lights on their way to your business.

Maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, or maybe they’re just impossible to please.

Whatever the reason, when you’re faced with an unhappy customer, it’s an opportunity to improve (even when the customer is completely wrong).

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