Business owners need to know the difference between testimonials and reviews. They are not the same, after all, with both offering a host of unique benefits to your business and its reputation.

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Saying thank you to customers has more benefits than most business owners realize. Aside from being a simple gesture of appreciation, saying thank you is a form of customer interaction that can generate loyalty, boost reputation, and even lead to more sales.

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So, your business has received a one-star review with no comment. Now what?

These reviews are confusing and, needless to say, frustrating. Are they “better” than negative reviews with comments?

Yes… and no.

On one hand, no comment is better than a scathing customer review dragging several areas of your business through the mud. On the other hand, there’s no context for the negative review, which leaves you questioning why it’s negative – or whether the review is even genuine.

Still, no business wants to receive a negative review, comment or no comment.

Unlike Facebook, fellow major review sites Google and Yelp have yet to implement a minimum length for customer reviews. Whether that should be implemented or not is another topic.

For now, let’s discuss and answer the central question: How to respond to a one-star review that has no comment.

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Restaurateurs can learn a lot from their customers, from what they think of the food and the prices to the customer service, ambience, and overall value. And review sites are simply the best way to find out your customers’ thoughts – upfront and with complete honesty. Sure, it can be hard to read through customer

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Review sites – can they really improve brand visibility? The answer is yes, and this guide explains why. But first, what does brand visibility mean exactly? Brand visibility can be defined as your business’s reach, including how discoverable, authoritative, and attractive your business is to online customers. A business with high online brand visibility will:

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Have you noticed how it now says “Recommendations and Reviews” under the Reviews tab on all Facebook business pages? The change has confused business owners and customers alike. And if you’re a business owner who understands the importance of customer reviews, it might even be somewhat concerning. In fact, this change has been in effect

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