Get Facebook Reviews For Your Business
Wondering how to get more Facebook reviews and recommendations? ReputationStacker does it automatically.

Get Reviews on Facebook... Automatically
Anyone can request reviews on Facebook, but only ReputationStacker automates the entire process including following up with customers who haven't reviewed you yet.
The software sends your customers a one-question survey, then it asks them to post a review about your business on Facebook or any other review site where you want to collect reviews.
Simple, effective & automated so all you have to do is sit back and watch the Facebook reviews roll in.
I never thought it would be hard to increase Facebook reviews. We have over a thousand followers and a ton of loyal customers that come back to our store time and time again, but no matter what we did we always struggled to get them to post a Facebook review.
Then we started using ReputationStacker and like magic the Facebook reviews started flowing in.
I love how easy it is to make a Facebook review request and how the system follows up with someone if they don't post a review the first time we ask them to because a lot of people need a gentle reminder.
Now all the time new customers walk into our store and say that they heard about us because a friend recommended us on Facebook. Thank you ReputationStacker!
When You Get More Facebook Reviews You Get More New Customers
Facebook does things a little differently than other online review sites. Not long ago Facebook switched from the standard 5-star review scale to a recommendation model. Now customers simply select whether they would recommend your business or not.
But Facebook still uses a 5-star review scale to average the total number of recommendations, so their review system really isn't all that different, and the importance of those reviews and recommendations still stands.
In fact, the large majority of your customers use Facebook, and 80% of them trust Facebook reviews the same as if they were coming directly from a friend or family member. 54% of Facebook users read Facebook reviews right before making a purchase, while a staggering 47% of Facebook users have posted a Facebook review themselves.
It goes without saying that getting more Facebook reviews means getting more new customers. The key to success is getting reviews on Facebook on a consistent basis, and that's exactly what ReputationStacker does for you.
We always got Facebook reviews from our guests but they were very inconsistent. One month we'd get 3 reviews, the next month 0, the month after that 1, etc.
Our front desk knows how to request reviews on Facebook, and they always asked our guests to post a Facebook review when they were leaving, but this didn't really help. We even put a link to our Facebook page on our emails and guest receipts but still no more than a few reviews here or there.
I was skeptical at first when I heard about ReputationStacker. After all, how much more effective could software be than humans at generating Facebook reviews? Turns out a lot.
Now we regularly get 10-15 new Facebook recommendations each month with ReputationStacker. And those are just the Facebook reviews. We also get a ton of Google, Yelp and Tripadvisor reviews too.
If you're trying to figure out how to get reviews on Facebook, I highly recommend trying ReputationStacker.
It Does More Than Simply Generate Facebook Reviews
Why just increase reviews on your Facebook page when you can actually leverage those reviews to drive more business outside of Facebook?
ReputationStacker gives you the ability to stream your reviews on your own website. This tool is incredibly easy to install and it automatically adds new reviews whenever they come in.
The same technology allows you to automatically share your customers' reviews on Facebook and Twitter (even if the reviews aren't Facebook reviews).
Our reporting engine allows you to generate detailed reports with a single click, or have the system automatically send you reports on a regular basis.
ReputationStacker gives you full control of your Facebook reviews and your entire online reputation.